Who is Maarten van Oeveren?

He is a consultant for sustainable, zero-emission logistics.

What work does he do for ZUIDWEST logistiek ?

After the presentation of the zero-emission scan of Hogeschool Zeeland, it turned out that electric transport is a major challenge for Zuidwest Logistiek . As there are more and more restrictions for diesel engines, it is important that we are well informed and prepared for the possibilities for electric transport. Because we hand over the trucks to each other within 24 hours, there is little time to recharge electric trucks. And if that charging has to be done in a short time, the electricity connection is often not available. In addition, electric trucks are about 4 times more expensive than regular trucks.

Action plan in practice

Zuidwest Logistiek has a plan in which we use solar panels and windmills at farm locations. We are investigating whether it is possible to use these locations in a smart way, so that we can recharge energy quickly, without putting an extra burden on the electricity grid. We have submitted a plan to the Province of Zeeland for this, and we want to investigate whether our plan is feasible in collaboration with Hogeschool Zeeland and a farm. For the implementation of the plan, we work together with various suppliers and developers. For example, we drove an electric Volvo on Saturday 16-10-2021, and we compared the consumption with the MAN TGM.

test electric truck

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