
The information on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Efforts have also been made to keep the information up to date. The content of the website is regularly evaluated internally. Nevertheless, no rights can be derived from the information provided. ZUIDWEST logistiek does not guarantee the correctness, completeness, topicality or quality. In case of doubt, we therefore request that you contact ZUIDWEST logistiek .

General data General data is
of visitors to the ZUIDWEST logistiek , such as data relating to the most requested pages of the website or our services. The goal is to optimize the layout of our site. For example, we look at visitor numbers, search agents, etc. This concerns numerical data for which the identity of the visitor is not important.

Use of website/damage
ZUIDWEST logistiek is not liable for any damage or loss resulting from the use of information on this site.

Personal data
If you create a personal profile, ZUIDWEST logistiek information, such as your name and e-mail address. We can use this information to keep you, as an account holder, informed about interesting vacancies and other information that may be useful for using the site. We will only do this if you indicate that you appreciate this.

ZUIDWEST logistiek uses cookies when offering its services. Cookies are small files that a browser places on the hard drive so that a website can use that cookie to recognize when a certain visitor comes by. Cookies allow you to take advantage of the benefits of personal settings such as usernames, passwords and preferences.

ZUIDWEST logistiek reserves the right to adjust this Privacy Policy if changes in our policy, business operations, law or jurisdiction give cause to do so.

For questions or comments about our privacy policy, please send an email to [email protected] and quote ' Privacy Policy '.

Zuidwest logistiek disclaimer